Death of a User Story

In my last post I wrote about user stories and how it’s easy to write a user story and forget to include the value statement.  Now that we’re all writing user stories with value statements, I thought it would be interesting to look at another phenomenon I’ve seen far too often when it comes to user stories – their death.  Yes, all good things must come to an end, but the way too many user stories die is not fitting.

Let’s take the example user story from the last post, which was from the Apple iPhone product owner (who am I kidding, Steve Jobs):

As an iPhone 3G user I want to be able to make VoIP calls over the 3G network in addition to wi-fi so that I can save money by not using my crazy expensive voice minutes.

RIP User StoryThe team working this user story thinks they’ve got it during their backlog selection. They’re excited to put the screws to the carriers as they prepare to expand beyond AT&T and turn the cell phone industry on its head.  The team does their task breakdown and they’re off and racing.  Daily scrums are happening, team members are communicating, impediments are being raised, tasks are getting done, and all is good in iPhone VoIP call land. The sprint review rolls around and the team is ready to show off their solution. They demonstrate making VoIP calls on a 3G network. Only one little problem.  The team mentions that in order to complete this story in time they decided it was best to use a VoIP service provider that would make the user experience far superior to any the team could develop in a reasonable amount of time.  The VoIP service provider charges a monthly fee. On top of the monthly fee there are hidden charges around certain types of calls. The product owner does his own demonstration following this. He demonstrates how the iPhone 3G can be used in combat by chucking the sleek devices directly at the team members’ heads.

So what happened? The user story was viewed during backlog selection, placed in a sprint management tool, and forgotten about until the sprint review. The team understood what they were doing, or so they thought. They were focused on completing the tasks to get the user story done. The team lost track of the actual user story – out of sight, out of mind.

The trick is to make sure the user story doesn’t get lost throughout the sprint and die a quick (yet too often) painful death. I haven’t figured out how to do this. Posting the user stories up on boards/walls is one idea. Temporary tattoos (that last the length of a sprint) of each user story on every team member’s forearms is another. Wait, that’s it. Sorry, I’ve got to make some calls now. My temporary tattoo parlor is calling.

So That…

One of the most overlooked parts of user stories is the content that follows those two little words, “so that.”  I’ve found that we (those of us working on agile projects) tend to do a good job of writing user stories until it gets to those two little words.  For example, let’s say the iPhone team has a backlog and one of the stories is:

As an iPhone 3G user I want to be able to make VoIP calls over the 3G network in addition to wi-fi.

iPhone 3GSounds pretty good in terms of a user story. It’s likely more an “epic”, but I won’t get into the size of user stories. Let’s start the conversation with the product owner and the team and estimate this story. Not so fast. Notice that we have no idea why the user would want to make voice over IP (VoIP) calls over the 3g network. I think the assumption is often made by whoever is writing the user stories that the team and others already understand the value of the story. That is not a safe assumption to make. Not only is it not a safe assumption to make but the focus of the team will turn to “how” to make the user story a reality. I think we’d all rather discuss the value of the user story before we start jumping into questions about how it might be implemented. But when the value isn’t present in the story it’s easy for everyone to overlook. Let’s see what that story might look like with the value statement added to it:

As an iPhone 3G user I want to be able to make VoIP calls over the 3G network in addition to wi-fi so that I can save money by not using my crazy expensive voice minutes.

Now we understand why the user wants this functionality. Before we could’ve assumed it was for any number of reasons. The cost savings is the driver for this story. The team and anyone else reading this user story can now better understand what the real drive for the desired functionality is.

I read a while back an InfoQ article about changing the format of user stories.  The traditional format is what we’ve already used in the example above:

As a <type of user> I want <some functionality> so that <some benefit>.

The new format suggested by the Elizabeth Keogh, the author the InfoQ article points to as the one suggesting the new format, looks like this:

In order to <achieve some value>, as a <type of user>, I want <some functionality>.

I think the new format is worth considering in light of how many user stories lack value statements. TYodahe only thing holding me back from this new format is that it reads too much like Yoda speak. Yoda was always known for putting those awesome sentences together, like: “Named must your fear be before banish it you can.”

I think whether we change the format of user stories or simply use the existing format, the important thing to remember is to communicate the value driving the user story. As Yoda might say: Focus we must on business value lest we lose reason why user story exists.

Your Search is Over: The Definition of Done in 3 Easy Steps

Has your team struggled to define “done” for user stories? You are alone. Everyone has this one figured out.  You must be new to this thing called agile software development. What’s that? You’ve been doing this agile thing for some time now?  Wow, that has got to be depressing. I’m sorry to hear that you’re struggling with such a simple concept.  Fortunately for you I’ve got the answer. Follow these three simple steps:

  1. Listen to this podcast with Scott Hanselman interviewing one of the founding fathers of Scrum, Ken Schwaber
  2. Sit down with the team, Product Owner, Scrum Master, and maybe even major stakeholders to define what success is for your project in a clear and simple manner
  3. Make a list of all the activities required to achieve the level of quality required by step 2 for a typical user story in the backlog

Easy, right? That’s fine.  When you punch the picture of me on the screen I don’t feel a thing. I’m still smiling, see?

Quote from EC: If you put a rubber chicken in Leia’s pants, that would make me happy for “Kid’s Day”.

Rubber chickenThat quote comes from the message that was attached to my Father’s Day present (a movie night package from Pro Flowers). My wife asked our seven year old son what he wanted to say on the card and that is what he told her. Clearly, he loves his sister…and me.


I was originally going to write a post on enterprise software. The gist of it was going to be: Why does enterprise software tend to suck in general? It’s not a new observation, nor a particularly interesting one, so I thought about what really bothered me with enterprise software. I think what really bothers me is mediocrity.

Mediocrity: It takes a lot less time and most people won't notice the difference until it's too late.It is easy to remove oneself from the discussion of mediocrity and place the focus on everyone else, but I can’t let myself off the hook that easy. I’ve certainly created more than my fair share of mediocre (or worse!) software. I’ve only put in mediocre effort into any number of tasks over the years. I can probably come up with many arguments to justify my mediocre efforts. I won’t do it. The point is not to justify the behavior but to examine why it happens and take action.

This week at work seemed to be one invite after another to perform mediocre work. Tasks needed to get done but it was difficult to get excited about them. Situations like these often get my checklist approach. Don’t get me wrong, checklists are not bad. But, when I get into “checklist mode”, it typically means I’m trying to make myself feel as though I’m accomplishing something even when I’m not particularly proud of the work. Sometimes there are things you just have to do. You can only change so much at one time and the changes that have to wait their turn often result in falling into that category of things that have to get done but whose quality, creativity, and inspiration will suffer as a result.

The work week ended with learning about my official responsibilities as a career counselor. I have seven people assigned to me that I’m responsible for serving as their career counselor. I’m there to listen, provide coaching, and do my part to help further each individual’s career within the company. I’d like to think that’s the approach I take regardless of whether I’m an official career counselor or simply doing my job. That last statement is one that leads me to justify mediocrity when it comes my duties as a career counselor. Telling myself that I already do the job let’s me off the hook in my own mind. I can scoff at the apparent corporate bureaucracy surrounding the career counseling program and get into my “checklist mode”. After all, I already do the job so these new activities are nothing more than overhead, right?

I decided on the way home from work on Friday that I wasn’t going to settle for mediocrity. I wanted to make the career counseling activities meaningful and fun for everyone involved. I decided right then that I wasn’t going to fill in the blanks on the career counselor intro email template that was provided. There is nothing inherently wrong with the template, but for me to simply fill in the blanks and send out the emails would certainly not meet my goals of making the career counselor activities meaningful and fun for everyone involved. So I brainstormed a bit and came up with a quick video that I’m sending out to all those I’m a career counselor for. The video isn’t the second coming of Citizen Kane, but it is completely different than the email template and (I hope) sends the message that I’m not just going through the motions; rather I’m committed to the role and the people I’m serving as their career counselor. Plus, I think the video conveys that we can all have some fun along the way. We don’t have to begrudgingly go through this process. We don’t have to settle for mediocrity, even when it can feel justifiable to do so.

Distributed Agile Teams Don’t Work

Collocated TeamThe title of this post is misleading. I think distributed agile teams do work, but only if everyone is remote. I’ve come to the conclusion that what doesn’t work are what I call “semi-distributed” teams. Semi-distributed teams are those where some people are co-located and others are not. I’ve seen all sorts of arrangements over the years. Everyone collocated but one person (experiencing that one currently – me being the odd man out), some collocated in one office and some in another, a few people distributed remotely and others collocated, on and on it goes.

The reason I argue that fully distributed agile teams work is because everyone is in the same boat. Everyone is disconnected and therefore looking for solutions to the problem of connecting with one another. With semi-distributed teams you have some people who are desperate to be a part of the conversation, while others are often quite content with their little collocated circle. I think this fact is often overlooked when people point to Open Source Software (OSS) development working in a distributed fashion and equate that to proof that semi-distributed projects can work just as well. One of the reasons OSS development works is because everyone is (typically) working remotely. The ease of looking across your desk and striking up a conversation with one of your team members is not an option with most OSS projects. Everyone on the OSS project needs to put forth an extra level of effort to strike up a conversation, even if it’s just chatting in IRC, sending an email, or doing a screen share session.

Distributed TeamA majority of agile proponents will argue that collocation is a requirement for highly successful agile projects and I agree. The level of discipline required to make distributed agile projects work cannot be understated. But, you can be successful with distributed agile projects. What you cannot be overly successful with are semi-distributed agile projects. The level of effort to make semi-distributed agile projects work is too great for most of us mere mortals to overcome. I’m sure there are those that will point to their success stories of semi-distributed agile projects, but I will argue those are the rare exceptions rather than the general rule.

Some may read this post and have a moment of truth smack them right in the face, “Wait a second, I’m on a semi-distributed agile team!” What do you do in that case? My suggestion is that you figure out a way to make the team collocated. There are many creative ways to make this happen. For example, the team that I’m currently on and am the lone remote person on the team (Scrum Master, nonetheless!),is going to get a local replacement. If you can’t go collocated, then a radical idea might be to go completely distributed. Have everyone work from home and force themselves to deal with being remote. It’s amazing how well teams can stay connected these days when they’re all working from a different location. In other cases, it might be possible to create one team that is collocated and another that is truly distributed. Team to team communication is often tricky, collocated or not. At least with a collocated team and a distributed team you’ve eliminated the avoidable problems of a semi-distributed team. The problems you’ll deal with in this case are the same problems anyone scaling agile is faced with. It’s not an impossible mountain to climb.Semi-Distributed Team

If you’re still stuck on a semi-distributed team after trying some of the suggestions mentioned above then I wish you luck. The best advice I can give is to enforce use of constant connectivity through technology like video conferencing. People will likely object to this due to a sense of loss of privacy (understandably so), but it gives you a fighting chance of keeping everyone in the loop. Cool apps like MeBeam provide the ability to have more than two participants on a video conference. You’ll also want to investigate technologies that allow you to share whiteboards. I don’t have personal experience with these but I’ve seen them in a variety of places, especially schools. I can see electronic whiteboards helping where collocated members step up to a whiteboard on a whim and start jotting down some new design, architecture, notes, etc. These whiteboard sessions often turn into important moments of team collaboration. It’s moments like these that get lost by the part of the semi-distributed team that is not collocated. Use every communication and collaboration tool in the toolbox if you’re stuck on a semi-distributed team, you’re going to need them.

Cross Platform Web Conferencing

Have you ever been on a web conference where people complained about it not working on their operating system of choice? Tired of hearing Linux and OS X users (rightfully) object to the use of web conferencing software that gives them limited (if any) screen sharing capabilities? I am and I think I may have found a solution in WebHuddle.

WebHuddleEvery so often I go out and do a search for cross platform web conferencing and normally come up empty handed. Sure, there are plenty of solutions that give you cross platform viewing of web conferences, but the holy grail is being able to transfer screen sharing functionality to anyone on the web conference, regardless of whether they’re running Windows, Linux or OS X. I think WebHuddle may have hit this holy grail. No, it’s not the fanciest product. Nor is it likely to win any awards for user interface design. But based on some early testing, it does what most other tools in its space cannot and that is provide true cross platform web conferencing.

P.S. Yes, I know about Yugma. I liked Yugma quite a bit. It was quick, easy and cheap. Keywords there: “liked” and “was”. Then version 3.0 came out and I’ve had enough problems with it to give up on Yugma entirely. Three different web conferences I attended/hosted with Yugma 3.0 and all were plagued by a variety of issues. I ran out of patience.